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Keysight (Agilent/HP) 3458A Digital Multimeter, 8½ Digit

Keysight (Agilent/HP) 3458A Digital Multimeter, 8½ Digit


Key Features & Specifications

Measurement Capability

  • 8-ppm 1 year dcV accuracy, optional 4-ppm
  • 0.05 ppm dcV transfer accuracy
  • Superior AC voltage measurements

System Capability

  • 100,000 readings per second at 4 1/2 digits

The 3458A Multimeter for:

  • High test system throughput
    • Faster testing
    •  Up to 100,000 readings/sec
    •  Internal test setups > 340/sec
    •  Programmable integration times from
    •  500 ns to 1 sec
    •  Greater test yield
    •  More accuracy for tighter test margins
    •  Up to 8.5 digits resolution
    •  Longer up-time
    •  Two-source (10 V,10 kΩ) calibration, including AC
    •  Self-adjusting, self-verifying autocalibration for all functions and ranges, including AC
  • Calibration lab precision
    • Superb transfer measurements
    •  8.5 digits resolution
    •  0.1 ppm DC volts linearity
    •  0.1 ppm DC volts transfer capability
    •  0.01 ppm rms internal noise
    •  Extraordinary accuracy
    •  0.6 ppm for 24 hours in DC volts
    •  2.2 ppm for 24 hours in ohms
    •  100 ppm mid-band AC volts
    •  8 ppm (4 ppm optional) per year voltage reference stability
  • High resolution digitizing
    • Greater waveform resolution and accuracy
    •  16 to 24 bits resolution
    •  100,000 to 0.2 samples/sec
    •  12 MHz bandwidth
    •  Timing resolution to 10 ns
    •  Less than 100 ps time jitter
    •  Over 75,000 reading internal memory


The Keysight 3458A Multimeter, recognized the world over as the standard in high performance DMMs, offers very high accuracy and high-speed digitizing for calibration laboratory precision measurements and fast test system throughput.