The Aeroflex Wireless 3500A Portable Radio Communications Test Set Combining the features of a benchtop radio test set with Frequency Domain Reflectometer features; the Aeroflex 3500A Portable Radio Communication Test Set is the lightweight, rugged and multifunctional portable platform. The unit measures both AM and FM radio transceivers on a bench, in a vehicle or in the field. The Aeroflex 3500A Portable Radio Communication now contains an RF spectrum analyser option allowing users to accurately view the frequency spectrum of the measured signal. The unit offers users the opportunity to isolate radio installation features with the Quick Drive by Testing functionality. The Frequency Domain Reflectometry helps isolate cable and antenna issues quickly and efficiently. This product is no longer available. It has been replaced by Aeroflex 3550R
Key Features Aeroflex Wireless 3500A:
- 2 MHz – 1 GHz operation
- AM/FM tranceiver tests
- P25, NXDN™, and DMR Digital test options
- Spectrum Analyzer with < -136 dBm noise floor
- Audio Frequency Oscilloscope
- Antenna/Cable tests
- Weight less than 8 lbs
- 5 hour battery life with continuous use
- -20° to +55° C operating temperature range
- Rugged construction (specifications for humidity, altitude, shock, and vibration, MIL RF 28800F Class II Certified
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